Carta para Vin Diesel

Carta abierta de hilary maxiel berroa guzman para Vin Diesel
“Para ser actris”

miércoles 23 septiembre 2020,

Buenos días Vin Diesel,

soy dominicana y tengo una gran oferta para una nueva edicion de rapidos y furiosos
fast and furious
nobody is kidnapped and a team from the CIA is in charge of the case, a few months passed and there were no answers from nobody, the dotero team began to investigate the case and they realized that the agents who were in charge of the case were the kidnappers with more cia and police agents knowing this is roberto's team recruit more people which are shaw's family, hobes's daughter, roman's sister [new personage called shacha, specialist in combat and dominican ] and all the new recruits ready and all the ready team proceed to prepare, some learned to fight with sacha and others to use weapons while tej and ramsy is also trying to find Don Nadia's uvication between the search they found Cuenca's family Nobody was also kidnapped and that the boss or organizer of this kidnapping is a Colombian mobster named Arturo, a greedy and intelligent man, he had almost all the agents of the CIA under his power since he is the boyfriend of the head of the cia agency who kidnapped don nadia to take revenge on his brother jakande since he and the turret team killed him.
aun no la terminado pero encuanto la termine le mando la otra parte.
solo quiero ser actris soy muy buena actuando y tengo muchas energias en mi paiz no se puede vivir de eso y por eso le pido a usted solo le pido que lea esta carta y que me deje interpretar a sasha mi #### es

Autor: hilary maxiel berroa guzman

Carta para Vin Diesel. Carta 6.

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